
Politics and International Relations

Today, we heard about politics in Japan. I was not interested in Politics in Japan, because I didn't know who should be trusted. They made a noice when they had campaign, and some politicians did bad things or said something to bad. I had a bad image of politics. However, I talked with foreign friends and they asked some questions. One of question was 'What did you talk with friend in a bar? ' and I said, 'Almost Japanese talked about boyfriend's matter or it had happend by personal appearance. ' Then, foreign friends asked 'Have you ever talked about politics with your friends in bar?' I said, 'Never!!' They were surprised at us and they saied, ' our country, if we go to a bar with friends, we talk about politics and always fight with friends. ' When I heard this comment, I was ashamed me by myself. Then, I began to get interested in politics little by little.

If I had a chance to work at UN, I would want to be a WFT(World Food Programme) staff, becasue I love eating, I enjoy eating food and I can eat something enough, but in the world, many children cannot eat food enough. It is too sad and terrible things, don't you think? Why so many children can't eat food?? There are many reason, one of the natural disaster. It is hard to solve this problem, but we can try reducing carbon dioxide or keeping forest. And the other reason is conflict. It is harder than the disaster. However, why are children caught up in that problem? That is not children's business. Then, they just born which there are conflics many times. We can not change childrend's fate, but we can help them, so I would like to help like that childrend, if I had a chance to work at the UN. Then, I will use my English skills and I make a new rule of the world. If you leave a dish half eaten, you should pay a penalty, so I will make like rules. We should think more like problems even if you think it just little bit, I think it is better than you thought before.
Thank you very much Meiki sense!! In the class, I could lean and realize a lot of things I never have thought. I had a nice time with my classmate, Rolf, Alison, and you!! Thank you so much!!